Latest Nanopublications of Type: tendsToHaveRelationTo

Full type identifier:

 Leonardo da Vinci - has instances that tend to contribute to instances of - Renaissance art tendsToHaveRelationTo tendsToContributeTo

 surrealism - has instances that tend to affect instances of - Salvador DalĂ­ tendsToHaveRelationTo tendsToAffect

 Rafael Nadal - has instances that tend to have a larger value than instances of - Roger Federer tendsToHaveRelationTo tendsToHaveLargerVal...

 diseaseagents - has instances that tend to be followed by instances of - healthconditions tendsToHaveRelationTo tendsToBeFollowedBy

 diseaseagents - has instances that tend to be followed by instances of - healthconditions tendsToHaveRelationTo tendsToBeFollowedBy

 poverty - has instances that tend to cause instances of - crime tendsToHaveRelationTo tendsToCause