ImmPort Controlled Lookup Vocabulary Set

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 ImmPort Controlled Lookup Vocabulary Set FER Structured-vocabulary comment approve/disapprove edit as derived nanopublication

This is a local identifier minted within the nanopublication. ImmPort-Lookup-Vocabulary comment (this is a literal) "A Collection of structured vocabularies used to standardize data entries across immunological studies within ImmPort. It is an internal resource designed to standardize data entries within ImmPort. While it references NCI Thesaurus for term descriptions, it is not formally published as a standalone semantic resource. Its primary use is within the ImmPort ecosystem, and external users should be aware of its limitations regarding availability and external interoperability. The ImmPort Controlled Lookup Vocabulary Set includes these vocabularies: Adverse Event Severity: lk_adverse_event_severity; Age at Event: lk_age_event; Amount Unit: lk_amount_unit; Analyte Type: lk_analyte; Ancestral Population: lk_ancestral_population; Study Arm Type: lk_arm_type; Preferred Arm Type Mapping: lk_arm_type_pref_mapping; Cell Population Statistic Unit: lk_cell_pop_statistic_unit; Cell Population: lk_cell_population; Cell Population Definition: lk_cell_population_definition; Preferred Cell Population Mapping: lk_cell_population_pref_map; Compound Role: lk_compound_role; Concentration Unit: lk_concentration_unit; Criterion Category: lk_criterion_category; Disease: lk_disease; Disease Condition: lk_disease_condition; Disease Stage: lk_disease_stage; Ethnicity: lk_ethnicity; Experiment Measurement Technology: lk_exp_measurement_tech; Exposure Material: lk_exposure_material; Preferred Exposure Material Mapping: lk_exposure_material_pref_map; Exposure Process: lk_exposure_process; Preferred Exposure Process Mapping: lk_exposure_process_pref_map; Gender: lk_gender; Human Metabolome Database: lk_hmdb; Lab Test Name: lk_lab_test_name; Lab Test Panel Name: lk_lab_test_panel_name; PCR Expression Unit: lk_pcr_expression_unit; Personnel Role: lk_personnel_role; Plate Type: lk_plate_type; Preferred Time Unit: lk_preferred_time_unit; Protein Name: lk_protein_name; Protocol Type: lk_protocol_type; Public Repository: lk_public_repository; Race: lk_race; Reagent Type: lk_reagent_type; Release Status: lk_release_status; Research Focus: lk_research_focus; RNA Sequence Result: lk_rna_sequence_result; Unit Type: unit_type; Sample Type: lk_sample_type; Source Type: lk_source_type; Species: lk_species; Preferred Study Condition Mapping: lk_study_condition_pref_mapping; Study File Type: lk_study_file_type; Subject Location: lk_subject_location; Baseline (T0) Event: lk_t0_event; Temperature Unit: lk_temperature_unit; Time Unit: lk_time_unit; Titer Unit: lk_titer_unit; Transcript Type: lk_trancript_type; Unit of Measure: lk_unit_of_measure; Virus Strain: lk_virus_strain; Yes/No Options: lk_yes_no" .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. This nanopublication date and time when the nanopublication was created was created on (this is a literal) "2024-11-01T17:10:05Z" .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. This nanopublication the nanopublication consists of an introduction of the given resource introduces This is a local identifier minted within the nanopublication. ImmPort-Lookup-Vocabulary .




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