Nanopublication: RAvsTcZdwO

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This is a local identifier minted within the nanopublication. This association has label (this is a literal) ""Sumatriptan succinate tablets should not be given to patients with history, symptoms, or signs of ischemic cardiac, cerebrovascular, or peripheral vascular syndromes. In addition, patients with other significant underlying cardiovascular diseases should not receive sumatriptan succinate tablets. Ischemic cardiac syndromes include, but are not limited to, angina pectoris of any type (e.g., stable angina of effort and vasospastic forms of angina such as the Prinzmetal variant), all forms of myocardial infarction, and silent myocardial ischemia. Cerebrovascular syndromes include, but are not limited to, strokes of any type as well as transient ischemic attacks. Peripheral vascular disease includes, but is not limited to, ischemic bowel disease (see WARNINGS). Because sumatriptan succinate tablets may increase blood pressure, they should not be given to patients with uncontrolled hypertension. Concurrent administration of MAO-A inhibitors or use within 2 weeks of discontinuation of MAO-A inhibitor therapy is contraindicated (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, Drug Interactions and PRECAUTIONS, Drug Interactions). Sumatriptan succinate tablets should not be administered to patients with hemiplegic or basilar migraine. Sumatriptan succinate tablets and any ergotamine-containing or ergot-type medication (like dihydroergotamine or methysergide) should not be used within 24 hours of each other, nor should sumatriptan succinate tablets and another 5-HT 1 Sumatriptan succinate tablets are contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to sumatriptan or any of their components. Sumatriptan succinate tablets are contraindicated in patients with severe hepatic impairment."" .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. This nanopublication date and time when the nanopublication was created was created on (this is a literal) "2021-08-23T13:07:23.811+02:00" .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. This nanopublication links to the assertion template that was used to create this nanopublication was created from the assertion template RAhNHZw6Ur .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. This nanopublication links to the provenance template that was used to create this nanopublication was created from the provenance template RANwQa4ICW .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. This nanopublication links to the publication info template that was used to create this nanopublication was created from the publication info template RAA2MfqdBC .
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