Latest Nanopublications by Daniel Mietchen


 Organism of Crassostrea gigas (species) - biotically interacts with - organism of Mytilus edulis (species) Biodiv OrganismToOrganismAs...

 Annotation of neobiota.92.110442: 'Pterois miles is invasive to the Mediterranean Sea.' Biodiv Annotation

 Participation in: Q60178200 P1344

 absence of enemies in the non-native range contributes to invasion success SuperPatternInstance

 reduced pressure by enemies in the non-native range increases performance of non-native species SuperPatternInstance

 number of enemies of invasive species in its non-native range has smaller value than number of enemies of invasive species in its native range SuperPatternInstance

 number of enemies of invasive species has smaller value than number of enemies of native species SuperPatternInstance

 reduced pressure by specialist enemies in the non-native range contributes to invasion success SuperPatternInstance

 reduced pressure by generalist enemies in the non-native range contributes to invasion success SuperPatternInstance

 transport to non-native range decreases number of enemies SuperPatternInstance

 Comment on: RA0SpJLtUx comment

 enemy release - is connected to - invasion success SIO_000203

 Comment on: publish?116 comment

 Editor of: Q20895800 editor

 Florian Thiery - participant in - Provenance Loves Wiki 2024 Q18616576 P1344

 Filomena Lopedoto - participant in - Provenance Loves Wiki 2024 Q18616576 P1344

 What to put into the "short URI suffix for your question" field? Q189756

 what - has effect - invasion success Q18616576 P1542

 Here is an example of a nanopublication that supersedes another: nano-session-9-special label

 Daniel Mietchen - participant in - Provenance Loves Wiki 2024 Q18616576 P1344

 I would prefer CC0 as a default license for nanopublications. nano-session-9-special label

 participation in Nano Session #9 (Special) nano-session-9-special P1344

 adaptation in response to enemy release in the non-native range increases population-level performance of non-native species SuperPatternInstance

 changed richness and abundance of enemies in the non-native range increases population-level performance of non-native species SuperPatternInstance

 reduced per capita effect of enemies on species in the non-native range increases population-level performance of non-native species SuperPatternInstance

 reduced pressure by enemies in the non-native range contributes to invasion success SuperPatternInstance

 absence of enemies in the exotic range positively affects invasion success SuperPatternInstance

 reduced pressure by enemies in the non-native range positively affects performance of non-native species SuperPatternInstance

 number of enemies of invasive species in the invaded range has smaller value than number of enemies of invasive species in the native range SuperPatternInstance

 reduced pressure by specialist enemies in the non-native range positively affects invasion success SuperPatternInstance

 reduced pressure by generalist enemies in the non-native range positively affects invasion success SuperPatternInstance

 reduced pressure by enemies in the non-native range contributes to invasion success SuperPatternInstance

 reduced pressure by enemies in the non-native range Class

 number of enemies of invasive species has smaller value than number of enemies of native species SuperPatternInstance

 transport to exotic range negatively affects number of enemies SuperPatternInstance

 RAsFSs8f1u user intro

 RAIyN0gYQ7 participatedAsPartic...


 strong static magnetic fields change the cell cortex in dejellied fertilizable stage VI Xenopus lavis oocytes SuperPatternInstance

 RAGBn2vEhz user intro